Ring A Ring A Roses

Everyone who registers with the ring, receives immediately a confirmation mail providing all the details about his blog and also the HTML code .
The memeber has to paste the code in his blog on the sidebar by using the method described here:
For Blogspot : Log-in >>Layout>>widgets >>Html/javascript >> paste code>> save>> preview>> Drag the widget to any desired place.>> Save>> exit

For WordPress :
Log-in>>Dashboard >>widgets>> Text>>Paste code>> Done>>Save>> preview >> Drag & position at any placeon the side bar>> done

Some impotant lessons were learnt in the last few days.

Earlier it was thought that the navigational panel is essentially to be pasted at the bottom of the post. It had two purposes 1) that particular post is part of the Ring 2) t Those who follow the ring will find it easy to continue their journey.

However the lessons learnt  are more revealing.

1) The code need not be pasted at the bottom but can be positioned on the side bar for easy visibility. It in no way influences the landing post of your blog.

2) As it is always visible, it may trigger new readers or blogers to know more about the ring and some of them may join also.

3) Any time a member of the ring can change the choice of the favorite Post or the Best of his Post. No need to alter site Id (as thought earlier).

4) It is the best way to showcase some of your old but valuable Posts which otherwise get buried under flood of new posts  from the blogosphere everyday

Any further suggestions tips welcome

Ring a Ring a Roses

Ring a Ring a Roses

We all played it.

At the end of it …. All fall down ?

No.  Here we  mean a different   ring  which may mutually help bloggers  to reach a higher  goal.

………… ALL    RISE   UP !!

Welcome to the Home Page of ” Ring A Ring A Roses ” Blog Ring.

Here you may link  your favorite post as ” Best of Mine ” in the ring.

Q : What is meant by Best of Mine ?

A :It is the Best Post you consider you ever posted in your blog.

Q : Why to select the  Best ?

A : It is impossible for even well acknowledged writers to be in best of their form every time they write. Out of many books an author writes only a few are cherished and applauded.  Similarly ordinary mortals like us may not be able to write the best all the time.

Q : How does it help ?

A : Select one such post, that is your “Best”. Going through that gives a glimpse of your personality, intellectual content and originality on any subject you had chosen. Infact you have show cased your best.

The visitors if impressed may read other posts of your blog. They may book mark your blog or add it to Google Reader or Blog Line etc for regular follow up.

If  it is not of the theme they are looking for,they may further move on in the Ring to other member blogs.

[for example I may not stay in a page which discusses cooking recipes as that is not my cup of tea :))]

Q : Suppose at a later date if I wish to change the choice of my Best Post ?

A : By all means do it.  Log in using your Site ID and change the  ‘Entry URL’  to the new post you wish the visitor to read as your Best Post.

“Collection of Best Posts: Indian Blog Ring

Ring A Ring A Roses

Home/Join | List | Next | Random

Q : What if it happens to be on different themes and I wish to include more than one,in the Best category ?

A : This is a beta version.  Hence we are constrained not to allow more than one post per Blog at this point of time.

Q : How do I link my Best Post to the BoM Ring ?

A : Simple. Register your Post Title and URL (url of the specific post and not the Blog) with suitable site Id.

You will receive an automated mail providing you the Navigational Code for the site Id. Paste this code below the Post by opening ‘Edit Html”menu in your blog post.

After succesful verification of your Navigation code your Best post will be approved to join the BoM  Ring.

Q : Why not the blog URL but specific post’s URL ?

A: If Blog URL  is  used,  it will take the visitor to the most recent post but not to the Best you thought to be fit for wider readership. Moreover the purpose of the Blog Ring is to bring a visitor to your blog.  Secondly there has to be purpose in making a Blog Ring. At this point of time as we don’t have a theme based approach, at least we invite interested visitors to take a look at the “Best of Mine” collection.

For registration of your site Click Here

Seeking the Best Nectar


How to Register & Log-in ?

You need to register first at alt-webring.com using this link.

After registration at "alt-webring" you may at any time enter and edit site information, get your HTML code for Navigation panel, add tags etc.

Visit their page and enter Ring Id as "bestofmine" and then your site id and pass word.

Occasionally you may log in to check to see site statistics also :)

April 2024


Sample code-cannot navigate




